In 1930, Victor Besserat developed a champagne from grapes grown in the heart of the Appellation that would be delicate and lightly effervescent and would accompany any meal perfectly. Cuvée des Moines was born. It’s silky feels and tiny bubbles seem to rise to the surface in a fine foam as it is poured into champagne flute. Cuvée des Moines does not undergo malolactic fermentation, and it preserves its fresh aromas and increases the time it can be stored in the cellar.
This champagne is crafted from the harvests in the finest villages of the region (Avize, Bouzy, Chouilly, Cramant), brought together to create a delicate, elegant wine with a perfect balance between aromatic force, freshness and effervescence.“Make me a champagne unctuous enough to accompany any meal and I’ll be ordering 1000 bottles instead of 100…” The Director of the restaurant La Samaritaine de Luxe, writing to Vincent Besserat in 1930. Thus was born the Cuvée des Moines Besserat de Bellefon.